
Features and interviews about ‘Silk Road

Comedy Blogger John Flemming met Alex

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“It was Malcolm Hardee Comedy Award winning performer Gareth Ellis - one of those people who seems to know everyone – who told me that writer Alex Oates was going to be on The Keiser Report last week. I had tea with Alex… read more


Interview with Dom and Alex on the Keiser Report

Alex and Dom were interviewed by Max Keiser on the Keiser Report, watch the interview on youtube by clicking here




ARSTECHNICA interview with Playwright Alex Oates

1st June

Just months before Silk Road suspect Ross Ulbricht is slated to go on trial in New York, a tale of a fictional vendor from the embattled illicit online marketplace is set to hit the stages of the United Kingdom.” Read more

WHATSONSTAGE.COM; Read editor Theo Bosanquet’s exclusive story about our Bitcoin funding

28th May

“A new play about underground website Silk Road is aiming to become the first funded by bitcoin, the controversial online currency that has gained international prominence in recent years…. ” read more


ALL THINGS VICE; Eilleen Ormsby, author of the first book about Silk Road (to be released August 1st 2014) meets Playwright Alex Oates


26th May

“VICE is onto the documentary, yours truly is bringing a book out. But who would’ve guessed that the most notorious online black market in the world could be coming to a theatre near you?” Read more


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